Opal Lock Feature Comparison

Feature Comparison between different license levels of Opal Lock






Only external drives (TCG or non-TCG) are listed)


No access to additional information

Audit Log

Setup Drive

Preboot image and bootable USB setup are not included in USB version of Setup Drive

Setup Bootable USB

Update Pre-boot Image

Change Password

Setup User Password

Remove User Password

Revert Setup and Keep Data

Revert Setup and Erase Data

Revert Setup and Erase Data with PSID


Save/Read Password in USB/AppData

Supports multi-drive operation for Setup Drive, Update Pre-boot Image, Change Password, Unlock, Revert Setup & Keep Data, Revert Setup & Erase Data

Unlock via pre-boot image

Also includes the ability to auto-unlock if a password is detected on USB.

Additional comments for Demo: Display all the operations the same as Premium version, but make them inaccessible. 

Installation instructions for background service if not using the installation package. (The background service hasn’t been included in the installation package yet)

  1. Copy the executable from the repository in OpalLockService\bin\Release\OpalLockService.exe into the folder where OpalLock.exe is located.
  2. Use Developer Command Prompt for VS to run “installutil OpalLockService.exe”
  3. Open “Services”, scroll down to OpalLockService, right click->Start

Opal Lock Background Service Basic Test Cases



Insert a USB flash drive

Any partition associated with the drive should be mounted as usual

Insert a non-TCG HDD/SSD

Any partition associated with the drive should be mounted as usual

Insert a TCG drive that is not set up with Opal Lock

Any partition associated with the drive should be mounted as usual

Insert a locked TCG drive and there is no password on USB or AppData folder

Nothing should happen.

Insert a locked TCG drive and there is a valid password on USB or AppData folder

Drive should be auto-unlocked, and any partition associated with the drive should appear.